Built-In Namespace global__
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
convert an ArrayBuffer to a hexadecimal string
This function converts from an ArrayBuffer to a hexadecimal string. |
aryval(val, keys, def)
get value of array by key name list
This function returns the value of an array or associative array which referred by a concatinated key list string. |
convert a Base64 encoded string with new lines to a hexadecimal string
This function converts from a Base64 encoded string with new lines to a hexadecimal string. |
convert a Base64 encoded string to a Base64URL encoded string.
b64topem(b64, pemHeader)
get PEM string from Base64 string
This function converts a Base64 string to a PEM string with
a specified header.
convert a Base64 encoded string to a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin.
convert a Base64URL encoded string to a Base64 encoded string.
convert a Base64URL encoded string to a hexadecimal string.
convert a Base64URL encoded string to a ASCII string.
convert a Base64URL encoded string to a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin.
convert an array of bytes(Number) to hexadecimal string.
convert an array of character codes to a string
convert from binary string to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit
This function converts from an binary string (ex. |
convert from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to binary string
This function converts from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to its integer value. |
convert from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to integer value
This function converts from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to its integer value. |
datetozulu(d, flagUTCTime, flagMilli)
Date object to zulu time string
This function converts from Date object to GeneralizedTime string (i.e. |
convert UTFa hexadecimal string to a URLComponent string such like "%67%68".
extendClass(subClass, superClass)
set class inheritance
This function extends a class and set an inheritance for member variables and methods. |
foldnl(s, n)
wrap string with new lines to fit in specified width
This function wrap a string with new lines to fit in specified width. |
convert a hexadecimal string to an ArrayBuffer
This function converts from a hexadecimal string to an ArrayBuffer. |
convert a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string
This function converts from a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string without new lines. |
convert a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string with new lines
This function converts from a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string with new lines for each 64 characters. |
convert a hexadecimal string to a Base64URL encoded string.
convert a hexadecimal string to IP addresss
This function converts a hexadecimal string of IPv4 or IPv6 address to IPv4 or IPv6 address string. |
convert a 16 byte hexadecimal string to RFC 5952 canonicalized IPv6 address
This function converts a 16 byte hexadecimal string to RFC 5952 canonicalized IPv6 address string. |
get oid string from hexadecimal value of object identifier
This static method converts from hexadecimal object identifier value to dot noted OID value (ex. |
hextopem(dataHex, pemHeader)
get PEM string from hexadecimal data and header string
This function converts a hexadecimal string to a PEM string with
a specified header.
canonicalize hexadecimal string of positive integer
This method canonicalize a hexadecimal string of positive integer for two's complement representation. |
convert a hexadecimal encoded string to raw string including non printable characters.
convert a hexadecimal string to a URLComponent string such like "%67%68".
convert a hexadecimal encoded string to a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin.
convert string of integer array to hexadecimal string.
convert from integer value to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit
This function converts from an integer value to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit. |
convert IPv4/v6 addresss to a hexadecimal string
This function converts IPv4 or IPv6 address string to a hexadecimal string of IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
convert any IPv6 address to a 16 byte hexadecimal string
This function converts any IPv6 address representation string
to a 16 byte hexadecimal string of address.
<static> |
check whether a string is a base64url encoded string and dot or not
Input string can conclude new lines or space characters. |
<static> |
check whether a string is an hexadecimal string or not
convert a hexadecimal ISO 8859-1 latin string to UTF-8 string
convert a hexadecimal ISO 8859-1 latin string to UTF-8 hexadecimal string
Unix origin milliseconds GeneralizedTime string
This function converts from milliseconds of Unix origin time (ex. |
namearraytobinstr(namearray, namedb)
convert array of names to bit string
This function converts from an array of names to a binary string. |
convert all UNIX new line("\r\n") to DOS new line("\n") in
a String "s".
convert all DOS new line("\r\n") to UNIX new line("\n") in
a String "s".
get hexadecimal value of object identifier from dot noted oid value
This static method converts from object identifier value string.
get Base64 string from PEM format data
This static method gets a Base64 string of contents from PEM format data. |
pemtohex(s, sHead)
get hexacedimal string from PEM format data
This static method gets a hexacedimal string of contents from PEM format data. |
printJSON(json, prefix)
output JSON object to console
This method writes JSON object to console.
read file and return file contents
This function only works in Node.js.
read binary file and return file contents as hexadecimal string
This function only works in Node.js.
read file and return file contents as utf-8 string
This function only works in Node.js.
read JSON file and return its JSON object
This function only works in Node.js.
read JSONC file and return its JSON object
This method read JSONC (i.e.
convert a raw string including non printable characters to hexadecimal encoded string.
saveFile(binFile, rawString)
save raw string to file
This function only works in Node.js.
saveFileBinByHex(binFile, hexString)
save data represented by hexadecimal string to file
This function only works in Node.js.
saveFileJSON(jsonFile, json)
save JSON object as file
This method saves JSON object as a file.
saveFileUTF8(binFile, utf8String)
save UTF-8 string to file
This function only works in Node.js.
convert a ASCII string to a Base64 encoded string.
convert a ASCII string to a Base64URL encoded string.
convert a string to an array of character codes
convert a ASCII string to a hexadecimal string of ASCII codes.
strdiffidx(s1, s2)
find index of string where two string differs
strpad(s, len, padchar)
string padding
GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string to GeneralizedTime
This function converts UTCTime string (i.e. |
convert UCS-2 hexadecimal stirng to UTF-8 string
This function converts hexadecimal value of UCS-2 string to UTF-8 string. |
convert a URLComponent string such like "%67%68" to a hexadecimal string.
convert UTF-8 string to a hexadecimal ISO 8859-1 latin string
convert a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin to a Base64 encoded string.
convert a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin to a Base64URL encoded string.
convert a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin to a hexadecimal encoded string.
convert UTF-8 string to a hexadecimal ISO 8859-1 latin string
GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string to Date object
This function converts from GeneralizedTime string (i.e. |
GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string to milliseconds from Unix origin
This function converts from GeneralizedTime string (i.e. |
GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string to seconds from Unix origin
This function converts from GeneralizedTime string (i.e. |
Method Detail
convert an ArrayBuffer to a hexadecimal string
This function converts from an ArrayBuffer to a hexadecimal string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from an ArrayBuffer to a hexadecimal string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(3); var view = new DataView(buffer); view.setUint8(0, 0xfa); view.setUint8(1, 0xfb); view.setUint8(2, 0x01); ArrayBuffertohex(buffer) → "fafb01"
- Parameters:
- {ArrayBuffer} buffer
- ArrayBuffer
- Since:
- jsrsasign 6.1.4 base64x 1.1.8
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string
aryval(val, keys, def)
get value of array by key name list
This function returns the value of an array or associative array which referred by a concatinated key list string. If a value for key is not defined, it returns 'undefined' by default. When an optional argument 'def' is specified and a value for key is not defined, it returns a value of 'def'.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function returns the value of an array or associative array which referred by a concatinated key list string. If a value for key is not defined, it returns 'undefined' by default. When an optional argument 'def' is specified and a value for key is not defined, it returns a value of 'def'.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
let p = { fruit: apple, info: [ { toy: 4 }, { pen: 6 } ] }; aryval(p, 'fruit') &rarr "apple" aryval(p, 'info') &rarr [{toy: 4},{pen: 6}] aryval(p, 'info.1') &rarr {pen: 6} aryval(p, 'info.1.pen') &rarr 6 aryval(p, 'money.amount') &rarr undefined aryval(p, 'money.amount', null) &rarr null
- Parameters:
- {object} val
- array of associative array
- {string} keys
- concatinated key list with dot (ex. 'type.name.0.info')
- {object} def
- default value if value is not found (OPTIONAL)
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.8.0 base64x 1.1.32
- Returns:
- {object} value if found otherwise returns def
convert a Base64 encoded string with new lines to a hexadecimal string
This function converts from a Base64 encoded string with new lines to a hexadecimal string. This is useful to handle PEM encoded file. This function removes any non-Base64 characters (i.e. not 0-9,A-Z,a-z,\,+,=) including new line.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from a Base64 encoded string with new lines to a hexadecimal string. This is useful to handle PEM encoded file. This function removes any non-Base64 characters (i.e. not 0-9,A-Z,a-z,\,+,=) including new line.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextob64nl( "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4\r\n" + "OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg==\r\n") → "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- Base64 encoded string with new lines
- Since:
- base64x 1.1.3
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string
b64tob64u("ab+c3f/==") → "ab-c3f_"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- Base64 encoded string
- Returns:
- {String} Base64URL encoded string
b64topem(b64, pemHeader)
get PEM string from Base64 string
This function converts a Base64 string to a PEM string with
a specified header. Its line break will be CRLF("\r\n").
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
b64topem('YWFh', 'RSA PRIVATE KEY') → -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- YWFh -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
- Parameters:
- {string} b64
- Base64 string of PEM body
- {string} pemHeader
- PEM header string (ex. 'RSA PRIVATE KEY')
- Since:
- jsrasign 10.7.0 base64x 1.1.31
- Returns:
- {string} PEM formatted string of input data
convert a Base64 encoded string to a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- Base64 encoded string
- Since:
- 1.1.1
- Returns:
- {String} UTF-8 encoded string
b64utob64("ab-c3f_") → "ab+c3f/=="
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- Base64URL encoded string
- Returns:
- {String} Base64 encoded string
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- Base64URL encoded string
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string
convert a Base64URL encoded string to a ASCII string.
NOTE: This can't be used for Base64URL encoded non ASCII characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
NOTE: This can't be used for Base64URL encoded non ASCII characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {s} s
- Base64URL encoded string
- Returns:
- {String} ASCII string
convert a Base64URL encoded string to a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
b64utoutf8("44GC") → "あ" b64utoutf8("YWFh") → "aaa"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- Base64URL encoded string
- Since:
- 1.1
- Returns:
- {String} UTF-8 encoded string
- Parameters:
- {Array of Numbers} a
- array of bytes
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string
convert an array of character codes to a string
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array of Numbers} a
- array of character codes
- Returns:
- {String} s
convert from binary string to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit
This function converts from an binary string (ex. "101") to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit (ex. "05a0").
When "s" is not binary string, this returns null.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from an binary string (ex. "101") to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit (ex. "05a0").
When "s" is not binary string, this returns null.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
binstrtobitstr("101") → "05a0" binstrtobitstr("001") → "0520" binstrtobitstr("11001") → "03c8" binstrtobitstr("101000001") → "07a080" binstrtobitstr(101) → null // not number binstrtobitstr("xyz") → null // not binary string
- Parameters:
- {string} s
- binary string (ex. "101")
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.5.4 base64x 1.1.21
- Returns:
- {string} hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit
convert from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to binary string
This function converts from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to its integer value.
When an improper hexadecimal string of BitString value is applied, this returns null.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to its integer value.
When an improper hexadecimal string of BitString value is applied, this returns null.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
bitstrtobinstr("05a0") → "101" bitstrtobinstr("0520") → "001" bitstrtobinstr("07a080") → "101000001" bitstrtobinstr(502) → null // non ASN.1 BitString value bitstrtobinstr("ff00") → null // for improper BitString value
- Parameters:
- {string} h
- hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.5.4 base64x 1.1.21
- Returns:
- {string} binary string
convert from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to integer value
This function converts from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to its integer value.
When an improper hexadecimal string of BitString value is applied, this returns -1.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit to its integer value.
When an improper hexadecimal string of BitString value is applied, this returns -1.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
// "03c8" → 0xc8 unusedbit=03 → 11001000b unusedbit=03 → 11001b → 25 bitstrtoint("03c8") → 25 // "02fff8" → 0xfff8 unusedbit=02 → 1111111111111000b unusedbit=02 // 11111111111110b → 16382 bitstrtoint("02fff8") → 16382 bitstrtoint("05a0") → 5 (=101b) bitstrtoint("ff00") → -1 // for improper BitString value bitstrtoint("05a0").toString(2) → "101" bitstrtoint("07a080").toString(2) → "101000001"
- Parameters:
- {String} h
- hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.1.3 base64x 1.1.19
- Returns:
- {Number} positive integer value of the BitString
datetozulu(d, flagUTCTime, flagMilli)
Date object to zulu time string
This function converts from Date object to GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) or UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ). As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY. If flagMilli is true its result concludes milliseconds such like "20170520235959.42Z".
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from Date object to GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) or UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ). As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY. If flagMilli is true its result concludes milliseconds such like "20170520235959.42Z".
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
d = new Date(Date.UTC(2017,4,20,23,59,59,670)); datetozulu(d) → "20170520235959Z" datetozulu(d, true) → "170520235959Z" datetozulu(d, false, true) → "20170520235959.67Z"
- Parameters:
- {Date} d
- Date object for specified time
- {Boolean} flagUTCTime
- if this is true year will be YY otherwise YYYY
- {Boolean} flagMilli
- if this is true result concludes milliseconds
- Since:
- jsrsasign 7.2.0 base64x 1.1.11
- Returns:
- {String} GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string (ex. 20170412235959.384Z)
convert UTFa hexadecimal string to a URLComponent string such like "%67%68".
Note that these "
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Note that these "
" characters will not
converted to "%xx" format by builtin 'encodeURIComponent()' function.
However this 'encodeURIComponentAll()' function will convert
all of characters into "%xx" format.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal string
- Since:
- 1.1
- Returns:
- {String} URIComponent string such like "%67%68"
extendClass(subClass, superClass)
set class inheritance
This function extends a class and set an inheritance for member variables and methods.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function extends a class and set an inheritance for member variables and methods.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
var Animal = function() { this.hello = function(){console.log("Hello")}; this.name="Ani"; }; var Dog = function() { Dog.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.vow = function(){console.log("Vow wow")}; this.tail=true; }; extendClass(Dog, Animal);
- Parameters:
- {Function} subClass
- sub class to set inheritance
- {Function} superClass
- super class to inherit
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.3.0 base64x 1.1.21
foldnl(s, n)
wrap string with new lines to fit in specified width
This function wrap a string with new lines to fit in specified width.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function wrap a string with new lines to fit in specified width.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
foldnl("1234567890", 6) → 123456 7890
- Parameters:
- {string} s
- string
- {number} n
- width
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.7.0 base64x 1.1.31
- Returns:
- {string} wrapped string with new lines
convert a hexadecimal string to an ArrayBuffer
This function converts from a hexadecimal string to an ArrayBuffer.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from a hexadecimal string to an ArrayBuffer.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextoArrayBuffer("fffa01") → ArrayBuffer of [255, 250, 1]
- Parameters:
- {String} hex
- hexadecimal string
- Since:
- jsrsasign 6.1.4 base64x 1.1.8
- Returns:
- {ArrayBuffer} ArrayBuffer
convert a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string
This function converts from a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string without new lines.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string without new lines.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextob64("616161") → "YWFh"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal string
- Since:
- base64x 1.1.3
- Returns:
- {String} resulted Base64 encoded string
convert a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string with new lines
This function converts from a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string with new lines for each 64 characters. This is useful for PEM encoded file.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from a hexadecimal string to Base64 encoded string with new lines for each 64 characters. This is useful for PEM encoded file.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextob64nl("123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890") → MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4 // new line OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg==
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal string
- Since:
- base64x 1.1.3
- Returns:
- {String} resulted Base64 encoded string with new lines
convert a hexadecimal string to a Base64URL encoded string.
convert a hexadecimal string to a Base64URL encoded string. NOTE: If leading "0" is omitted and odd number length for hexadecimal leading "0" is automatically added.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
convert a hexadecimal string to a Base64URL encoded string. NOTE: If leading "0" is omitted and odd number length for hexadecimal leading "0" is automatically added.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal string
- Returns:
- {String} Base64URL encoded string
convert a hexadecimal string to IP addresss
This function converts a hexadecimal string of IPv4 or IPv6 address to IPv4 or IPv6 address string. If byte length is not 4 nor 16, this returns a hexadecimal string without conversion.
NOTE: From jsrsasign 10.5.17, CIDR subnet mask notation also supported.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts a hexadecimal string of IPv4 or IPv6 address to IPv4 or IPv6 address string. If byte length is not 4 nor 16, this returns a hexadecimal string without conversion.
NOTE: From jsrsasign 10.5.17, CIDR subnet mask notation also supported.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextoip("c0a80101") → "" hextoip("871020010db8000000000000000000000004") &rarr "2001:db8::4" hextoip("c0a80100ffffff00") → "" hextoip("c0a801010203") → "c0a801010203" // wrong 6 bytes hextoip("zzz")) → raise exception because of not hexadecimal
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal string of IP address
- Since:
- jsrsasign 8.0.10 base64x 1.1.13
- Returns:
- {String} IP address string
convert a 16 byte hexadecimal string to RFC 5952 canonicalized IPv6 address
This function converts a 16 byte hexadecimal string to RFC 5952 canonicalized IPv6 address string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts a 16 byte hexadecimal string to RFC 5952 canonicalized IPv6 address string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextoipv6("871020010db8000000000000000000000004") &rarr "2001:db8::4" hextoipv6("871020010db8000000000000000000") &rarr raise exception hextoipv6("xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyz") &rarr raise exception
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal string of 16 byte IPv6 address
- Since:
- jsrsasign 8.0.10 base64x 1.1.13
- Returns:
- {String} IPv6 address string canonicalized by RFC 5952
get oid string from hexadecimal value of object identifier
This static method converts from hexadecimal object identifier value to dot noted OID value (ex. ""). oidtohex is a reverse function of this.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This static method converts from hexadecimal object identifier value to dot noted OID value (ex. ""). oidtohex is a reverse function of this.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextooid("550406") → ""
- Parameters:
- {String} h
- hexadecimal value of object identifier
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.1.0 base64x 1.1.18
- Returns:
- {String} dot noted string of object identifier (ex. "")
hextopem(dataHex, pemHeader)
get PEM string from hexadecimal data and header string
This function converts a hexadecimal string to a PEM string with
a specified header. Its line break will be CRLF("\r\n").
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextopem('616161', 'RSA PRIVATE KEY') → -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- YWFh -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
- Parameters:
- {String} dataHex
- hexadecimal string of PEM body
- {String} pemHeader
- PEM header string (ex. 'RSA PRIVATE KEY')
- Since:
- jsrasign 7.2.1 base64x 1.1.12
- Returns:
- {String} PEM formatted string of input data
canonicalize hexadecimal string of positive integer
This method canonicalize a hexadecimal string of positive integer for two's complement representation. Canonicalized hexadecimal string of positive integer will be:
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This method canonicalize a hexadecimal string of positive integer for two's complement representation. Canonicalized hexadecimal string of positive integer will be:
- Its length is always even.
- If odd length it will be padded with leading zero.
- If it is even length and its first character is "8" or greater, it will be padded with "00" to make it positive integer.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextoposhex("abcd") → "00abcd" hextoposhex("1234") → "1234" hextoposhex("12345") → "012345"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal string
- Since:
- base64x 1.1.10 jsrsasign 7.1.4
- Returns:
- {String} canonicalized hexadecimal string of positive integer
convert a hexadecimal encoded string to raw string including non printable characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
hextorstr("610061") → "a\x00a"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal encoded string
- Since:
- 1.1.2
- Returns:
- {String} raw string
convert a hexadecimal string to a URLComponent string such like "%67%68".
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal string
- Since:
- 1.1
- Returns:
- {String} URIComponent string such like "%67%68"
convert a hexadecimal encoded string to a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin.
Note that when input is improper hexadecimal string as UTF-8 string, this function returns 'null'.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Note that when input is improper hexadecimal string as UTF-8 string, this function returns 'null'.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal encoded string
- Since:
- 1.1.1
- Returns:
- {String} UTF-8 encoded string or null
convert string of integer array to hexadecimal string.
This function converts a string of JavaScript integer array to a hexadecimal string. Each integer value shall be in a range from 0 to 255 otherwise it raise exception. Input string can have extra space or newline string so that they will be ignored.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts a string of JavaScript integer array to a hexadecimal string. Each integer value shall be in a range from 0 to 255 otherwise it raise exception. Input string can have extra space or newline string so that they will be ignored.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
intarystrtohex(" [123, 34, 101, 34, 58] ") → 7b2265223a (i.e. '{"e":' as string)
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- string of integer array
- Since:
- base64x 1.1.6 jsrsasign 5.0.2
- Throws:
- "malformed integer array string: *" for wrong input
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string
convert from integer value to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit
This function converts from an integer value to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit.
When "n" is not non-negative number, this returns null
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from an integer value to hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit.
When "n" is not non-negative number, this returns null
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
// 25 → 11001b → 11001000b unusedbit=03 → 0xc8 unusedbit=03 → "03c8" inttobitstr(25) → "03c8" inttobitstr(-3) → null inttobitstr("abc") → null inttobitstr(parseInt("11001", 2)) → "03c8" inttobitstr(parseInt("101", 2)) → "05a0" inttobitstr(parseInt("101000001", 2)) → "07a080"
- Parameters:
- {Number} n
- integer value of ASN.1 BitString
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.1.3 base64x 1.1.19
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string of ASN.1 BitString value with unused bit
convert IPv4/v6 addresss to a hexadecimal string
This function converts IPv4 or IPv6 address string to a hexadecimal string of IPv4 or IPv6 address.
NOTE: From jsrsasign 10.5.17, CIDR net mask notation also supported.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts IPv4 or IPv6 address string to a hexadecimal string of IPv4 or IPv6 address.
NOTE: From jsrsasign 10.5.17, CIDR net mask notation also supported.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
iptohex("") → "c0a80101" iptohex("2001:db8::4") → "871020010db8000000000000000000000004" iptohex("") → "c0a80101ffffff00" iptohex("2001:db8::/120") → "871020010db8000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00" iptohex("zzz")) → raise exception
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- IPv4/v6 address string
- Since:
- jsrsasign 8.0.12 base64x 1.1.14
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string of IP address
convert any IPv6 address to a 16 byte hexadecimal string
This function converts any IPv6 address representation string
to a 16 byte hexadecimal string of address.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- s
- string of IPv6 address
- Returns:
- {String} 16 byte hexadecimal string of IPv6 address
check whether a string is a base64url encoded string and dot or not
Input string can conclude new lines or space characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Input string can conclude new lines or space characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
isBase64URLDot("YWE") → true isBase64URLDot("YWE.YWE.YWE") → true isBase64URLDot("YW-") → true isBase64URLDot("YW+") → false
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- input string
- Since:
- base64x 1.1.30 jsrsasign 10.5.25
- Returns:
- {Boolean} true if a string "s" is a base64url encoded string and dot otherwise false
ishex("1234") → true ishex("12ab") → true ishex("12AB") → true ishex("12ZY") → false ishex("121") → false -- odd length
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- input string
- Since:
- base64x 1.1.7 jsrsasign 5.0.13
- Returns:
- {Boolean} true if a string "s" is an hexadecimal string otherwise false
iso88591hextoutf8("41a9fa") → "A©ú"
- Parameters:
- {String} h
- hexadecimal ISO 8859-1 latin string
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.5.12 base64x 1.1.25
- Returns:
- {String} UTF-8 string
- See:
- utf8toiso88591hex
convert a hexadecimal ISO 8859-1 latin string to UTF-8 hexadecimal string
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
iso88591hextoutf8hex("41a9fa") → "41c2a9c3ba"
- Parameters:
- {String} h
- hexadecimal ISO 8859-1 latin string
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.5.12 base64x 1.1.25
- Returns:
- {String} UTF-8 hexadecimal string
Unix origin milliseconds GeneralizedTime string
This function converts from milliseconds of Unix origin time (ex. 1199145599000 for 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT) to GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ). The result string may have a fraction of second.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from milliseconds of Unix origin time (ex. 1199145599000 for 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT) to GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ). The result string may have a fraction of second.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
msectozulu(1199145599000) → "20071231235959Z" #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT msectozulu(1199145599100) → "20071231235959.1Z" #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59.1 GMT msectozulu(1199145599123) → "20071231235959.123Z" #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59.123 GMT
- Parameters:
- {number} n
- milliseconds from Unix origin time (i.e. Jan 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC)
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.8.0 base64x 1.1.31
- Returns:
- {string} GeneralizedTime string (ex. 20170412235959.384Z)
namearraytobinstr(namearray, namedb)
convert array of names to bit string
This function converts from an array of names to a binary string. DB value bit will be set. Note that ordering of namearray items will be ignored.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from an array of names to a binary string. DB value bit will be set. Note that ordering of namearray items will be ignored.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
db = { a: 0, b: 3, c: 8, d: 9, e: 17, f: 19 }; namearraytobinstr(['a', 'c', 'd'], db) &rarr: '1000000011' namearraytobinstr(['c', 'b'], db) &rarr: '000100001'
- Parameters:
- {array} namearray
- array of name string
- {object} namedb
- associative array of name and value
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.5.21 base64x 1.1.27
- Returns:
- {string} binary string (ex. "110001")
convert all UNIX new line("\r\n") to DOS new line("\n") in
a String "s".
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- string
- Returns:
- {String} converted string
convert all DOS new line("\r\n") to UNIX new line("\n") in
a String "s".
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- string
- Returns:
- {String} converted string
get hexadecimal value of object identifier from dot noted oid value
This static method converts from object identifier value string.
to hexadecimal string representation of it.
hextooid is a reverse function of this.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
oidtohex("") → "550406"
- Parameters:
- {String} oidString
- dot noted string of object identifier
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.1.0 base64x 1.1.18
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal value of object identifier
get Base64 string from PEM format data
This static method gets a Base64 string of contents from PEM format data. When s is not PEM data, it returns null.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This static method gets a Base64 string of contents from PEM format data. When s is not PEM data, it returns null.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
pemtohex("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE...", "CERTIFICATE") → "MIIBvTCC..."
- Parameters:
- {string} s
- PEM formatted string
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.7.0 base64x 1.1.31
- Returns:
- {string} Base64 string or null
pemtohex(s, sHead)
get hexacedimal string from PEM format data
This static method gets a hexacedimal string of contents from PEM format data. You can explicitly specify PEM header by sHead argument. Any space characters such as white space or new line will be omitted.
NOTE: Now KEYUTIL.getHexFromPEM and X509.pemToHex have been deprecated since jsrsasign 7.2.1.
Please use this method instead. NOTE2: From jsrsasign 8.0.14 this can process multi "BEGIN...END" section such as "EC PRIVATE KEY" with "EC PARAMETERS".
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This static method gets a hexacedimal string of contents from PEM format data. You can explicitly specify PEM header by sHead argument. Any space characters such as white space or new line will be omitted.
NOTE: Now KEYUTIL.getHexFromPEM and X509.pemToHex have been deprecated since jsrsasign 7.2.1.
Please use this method instead. NOTE2: From jsrsasign 8.0.14 this can process multi "BEGIN...END" section such as "EC PRIVATE KEY" with "EC PARAMETERS".
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
pemtohex("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY...") → "3082..." pemtohex("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE...", "CERTIFICATE") → "3082..." pemtohex(" \r\n-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY...") → "3082..." pemtohex("-----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS...----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY...." → "3082..."
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- PEM formatted string
- {String} sHead
- PEM header string without BEGIN/END(OPTION)
- Since:
- jsrsasign 7.2.1 base64x 1.1.12
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string data of PEM contents
printJSON(json, prefix)
output JSON object to console
This method writes JSON object to console.
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
var rsu = require("jsrsasign-util"); var obj = {aaa: "bbb", "ccc": 123}; rsu.printJSON(obj, "obj = ") → obj = { "aaa": "bbb", "ccc": 123 }
- Parameters:
- {Object} json
- JSON object to print out
- {Object} prefix
- prefix string (OPTION)
- Since:
- jsrsasign-util 1.0.1 nodeutil 1.0.1
read file and return file contents
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} binFile
- file name to be read
- Returns:
- {String} raw string of file contents
read binary file and return file contents as hexadecimal string
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} binFile
- file name to be read
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string of file contents
read file and return file contents as utf-8 string
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} utf8File
- file name to be read
- Returns:
- {String} utf-8 string of file contents
read JSON file and return its JSON object
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
var rsu = require("jsrsasign-util"); rsu.readJSON("aaa.json") → JSON object
- Parameters:
- {String} JSON
- file name to be read
- Since:
- jsrsasign-util 1.0.1 nodeutil 1.0.1
- Returns:
- {Object} JSON object or array of file contents
read JSONC file and return its JSON object
This method read JSONC (i.e. JSON with comments) file
and returns JSON object.
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
var rsu = require("jsrsasign-util"); rsu.readJSONC("aaa.jsonc") → JSON object
- Parameters:
- {String} JSONC
- file name to be read
- Since:
- jsrsasign-util 1.0.1 nodeutil 1.0.1
- Returns:
- {Object} JSON object or array of file contents
convert a raw string including non printable characters to hexadecimal encoded string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
rstrtohex("a\x00a") → "610061"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- raw string
- Since:
- 1.1.2
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal encoded string
saveFile(binFile, rawString)
save raw string to file
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} binFile
- file name to save contents.
- {String} rawString
- string contents to be saved.
saveFileBinByHex(binFile, hexString)
save data represented by hexadecimal string to file
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} binFile
- file name to save contents.
- {String} hexString
- hexadecimal string to be saved.
saveFileJSON(jsonFile, json)
save JSON object as file
This method saves JSON object as a file.
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
var rsu = require("jsrsasign-util"); rsu.saveFileJSON("aaa.jsonc", json);
- Parameters:
- {Object} jsonFile
- output JSON file name
- {Object} json
- JSON object to save
- Since:
- jsrsasign-util 1.0.1 nodeutil 1.0.1
saveFileUTF8(binFile, utf8String)
save UTF-8 string to file
This function only works in Node.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
Defined in: nodeutil-1.0.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} binFile
- file name to save contents.
- {String} utf8String
- string contents to be saved.
convert a ASCII string to a Base64 encoded string.
NOTE: This can't be used for non ASCII characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
NOTE: This can't be used for non ASCII characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {s} s
- ASCII string
- Returns:
- {String} Base64 encoded string
convert a ASCII string to a Base64URL encoded string.
NOTE: This can't be used for non ASCII characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
NOTE: This can't be used for non ASCII characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {s} s
- ASCII string
- Returns:
- {String} Base64URL encoded string
{Array of Numbers}
convert a string to an array of character codes
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- Returns:
- {Array of Numbers}
convert a ASCII string to a hexadecimal string of ASCII codes.
NOTE: This can't be used for non ASCII characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
NOTE: This can't be used for non ASCII characters.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {s} s
- ASCII string
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string
strdiffidx(s1, s2)
find index of string where two string differs
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
strdiffidx("abcdefg", "abcd4fg") -> 4 strdiffidx("abcdefg", "abcdefg") -> -1 strdiffidx("abcdefg", "abcdef") -> 6 strdiffidx("abcdefgh", "abcdef") -> 6
- Parameters:
- {String} s1
- string to compare
- {String} s2
- string to compare
- Since:
- jsrsasign 4.9.0 base64x 1.1.5
- Returns:
- {Number} string index of where character differs. Return -1 if same.
strpad(s, len, padchar)
strpad("1234", 10, "0") → "0000001234" strpad("1234", 10, " ") → " 1234" strpad("1234", 10) → "0000001234"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- input string
- {Number} len
- output string length
- {String} padchar
- padding character (default is "0")
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.1.0 base64x 1.1.18
- Returns:
- {String} padded string
GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string to GeneralizedTime
This function converts UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ ) to GeneralizedTime (YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) when the argument 's' is UTCTime. Argument string may have fraction of seconds and its length is one or more digits such as "170410235959.1234567Z". As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ ) to GeneralizedTime (YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) when the argument 's' is UTCTime. Argument string may have fraction of seconds and its length is one or more digits such as "170410235959.1234567Z". As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
timetogen( "071231235959Z") → "20071231235959Z" timetogen( "971231235959Z") → "19971231235959Z" timetogen("20071231235959Z") → "20071231235959Z" timetogen( "971231235959.123Z") → "19971231235959.123Z"
- Parameters:
- {string} s
- GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string (ex. 20170412235959.384Z)
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.7.0 base64x 1.1.31
- Returns:
- {string} GeneralizedTime
convert UCS-2 hexadecimal stirng to UTF-8 string
This function converts hexadecimal value of UCS-2 string to UTF-8 string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts hexadecimal value of UCS-2 string to UTF-8 string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
ucs2hextoutf8("006600fc0072") &rarr "für"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal string of UCS-2 string (ex. "0066")
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.1.13 base64x 1.1.20
- Returns:
- {String} UTF-8 string
convert a URLComponent string such like "%67%68" to a hexadecimal string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- URIComponent string such like "%67%68"
- Since:
- 1.1
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal string
utf8hextoiso88591hex("41c2a9c3ba") → "41a9fa"
- Parameters:
- {String} h
- hexadecimal UTF-8 string
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.5.12 base64x 1.1.25
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal ISO 8859-1 latin string
convert a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin to a Base64 encoded string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- UTF-8 encoded string
- Since:
- 1.1.1
- Returns:
- {String} Base64 encoded string
convert a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin to a Base64URL encoded string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
utf8tob64u("あ") → "44GC" utf8tob64u("aaa") → "YWFh"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- UTF-8 encoded string
- Since:
- 1.1
- Returns:
- {String} Base64URL encoded string
convert a UTF-8 encoded string including CJK or Latin to a hexadecimal encoded string.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- UTF-8 encoded string
- Since:
- 1.1.1
- Returns:
- {String} hexadecimal encoded string
utf8toiso88591hex("A©ú") → "41a9fa"
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- hexadecimal ISO 8859-1 latin string
- Since:
- jsrsasign 10.5.12 base64x 1.1.25
- Returns:
- {String} UTF-8 string
- See:
- iso88591hextoutf8
GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string to Date object
This function converts from GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) or UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ) to Date object. Argument string may have fraction of seconds and its length is one or more digits such as "20170410235959.1234567Z". As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) or UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ) to Date object. Argument string may have fraction of seconds and its length is one or more digits such as "20170410235959.1234567Z". As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
zulutodate( "071231235959Z").toUTCString() → "Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT" zulutodate( "071231235959.1Z").toUTCString() → "Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT" zulutodate("20071231235959Z").toUTCString() → "Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT" zulutodate( "071231235959.34").getMilliseconds() → 340
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string (ex. 20170412235959.384Z)
- Since:
- jsrsasign 7.1.3 base64x 1.1.9
- Returns:
- {Date} Date object for specified time
GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string to milliseconds from Unix origin
This function converts from GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) or UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ) to milliseconds from Unix origin time (i.e. Jan 1 1970 0:00:00 UTC). Argument string may have fraction of seconds and its length is one or more digits such as "20170410235959.1234567Z". As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) or UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ) to milliseconds from Unix origin time (i.e. Jan 1 1970 0:00:00 UTC). Argument string may have fraction of seconds and its length is one or more digits such as "20170410235959.1234567Z". As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
zulutomsec( "071231235959Z") → 1199145599000 #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT zulutomsec( "071231235959.1Z") → 1199145599100 #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT zulutomsec( "071231235959.12345Z") → 1199145599123 #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT zulutomsec("20071231235959Z") → 1199145599000 #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT zulutomsec( "931231235959Z") → -410227201000 #Mon, 31 Dec 1956 23:59:59 GMT
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string (ex. 20170412235959.384Z)
- Since:
- jsrsasign 7.1.3 base64x 1.1.9
- Returns:
- {Number} milliseconds from Unix origin time (i.e. Jan 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC)
GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string to seconds from Unix origin
This function converts from GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) or UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ) to seconds from Unix origin time (i.e. Jan 1 1970 0:00:00 UTC). Argument string may have fraction of seconds however result value will be omitted. As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
This function converts from GeneralizedTime string (i.e. YYYYMMDDHHmmSSZ) or UTCTime string (i.e. YYMMDDHHmmSSZ) to seconds from Unix origin time (i.e. Jan 1 1970 0:00:00 UTC). Argument string may have fraction of seconds however result value will be omitted. As for UTCTime, if year "YY" is equal or less than 49 then it is 20YY. If year "YY" is equal or greater than 50 then it is 19YY.
Defined in: base64x-1.1.js.
zulutosec( "071231235959Z") → 1199145599 #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT zulutosec( "071231235959.1Z") → 1199145599 #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT zulutosec("20071231235959Z") → 1199145599 #Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:59 GMT
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- GeneralizedTime or UTCTime string (ex. 20170412235959.384Z)
- Since:
- jsrsasign 7.1.3 base64x 1.1.9
- Returns:
- {Number} seconds from Unix origin time (i.e. Jan 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC)